June 1st, 2023

Leaving SAP Fioneer, Holger Grünwald joins Experience One

Aline StangMarketing & Communications

Innovation expert accelerates digital transformation of corporate clients with Conversational AI as Managing Director

Berlin, June 1, 2023—Comeback after eleven years. Holger Grünwald (43), most recently Global Head of Design at SAP Fioneer, is returning to Experience One after more than a decade. As Managing Director at the founder- and partner-led technology company, for which he was already Design Director in 2011, he is to increase the innovative power of corporate clients with the help of scalable systems and the latest AI technologies. Experience One designs and implements digital customer experiences for major international companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Kia and Bosch with around 160 digital experts.

With his deep understanding of international corporate structures, Holger as a designer always manages to drive innovation and implement outstanding digital products that inspire millions of people. The strategic deployment and our extensive investments in Conversational AI create the framework for taking our clients’ customer experience to a new level. In the future, every company will need to take this into consideration if it wants to remain competitive.
Kai Müller, Gründer and CEO of Experience One

Holger Grünwald will support corporations and brands across all Experience One deployment locations in realizing the potential of new technological approaches and design systems in their digital ecosystems.

Brands have to face one of the biggest changes of the last decades and act with foresight in order not to be overtaken by the competition due to the high degree of automation and autonomy of design systems. This requires a high level of innovation and strong implementation expertise for digital platforms. Experience One provides the necessary clout in strategy, design and technology. Combined with know-how in artificial intelligence and a focus on user and customer experience, this creates a hot spot for forward-looking corporate development.
Holger Grünwald, Managing Director of Experience One

About Holger Grünwald

Holger Grünwald combines his design and strategy expertise in the development of revolutionary products, digital ecosystems and brand management with many years of experience in the finance and insurance sectors. In his previous positions as Global Head of Design at SAP Pioneers, Managing Director of Commerzbank’s innovation incubator Neugelb Studios and founder of Kørnvaald (formerly Taobot), he was responsible for global UX strategies for brands such as Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, Leica, Mercedes Benz and O2, and created digital products for the banking experience of the future.

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