What Alexa probably can't answer has become a major factor for a buying decision: the expected customer experience will make me go for the brand to help me build a tree house, feed the baby or to pay the next bill.
Technology pioneers have set the benchmark for what people expect of brands and innovative customer services. Companies need a strategy for a unique and outstanding customer experience if they do not want to fall behind.
But only a great experience makes a difference. That is why we put real people at the center of every design decision. But ideas need momentum and real change requires our courage.
The more customised your experience has become, the harder it is to scale globally. Behind every MVP we need to have a clear path for a scalable system that covers all aspects, from brand design to personalised contents.
Therefore we aggregate fragmented offers, contents and services and close gaps along the customer journey. We then build a design system covering all aspects of the user experience our client wants to scale. Only by doing this we can make sure that all departments of a company can leverage this and deliver a great customer experience worldwide.
Working closely with our clients in one integrated team is key to success. As one team we can work with customers to quickly validate and iterate on new improvements.
For every project we choose the right approach, whether it is lean UX, Service Design or Enterprise Scrum. Our team of consultants, UX designers, data scientists und experience engineers is always trying to find the next break-through interaction that will succeed customer expectations.