June 7th, 2024

A cloned CEO: the revolutionary idea behind “Grumpy Kai”

Julia KellerMarketing & Communications

Can a CEO create a digital clone that is available to his employees 24/7 and is still connected to humor? The result is “Grumpy Kai”.

The virtual clone supports employees in a humorously sarcastic way and thus encourages them to engage with the technology in a playful way.

Using this virtual assistant provided valuable insights into the configuration and use of AI agents. The experience with “Grumpy Kai” has led to the development of a language model-independent software that facilitates the configuration of AI agents and strengthens the culture of innovation in the company.

Despite “Grumpy Kai's” impressive abilities, it highlights the current limitations of AI technology.

AI lacks the basic abilities that are essential for leadership: consciousness, compassion and wisdom. These things cannot (yet) be artificially reproduced.
Kai Müller, Founder & CEO Experience One

One thing is certain, however: AI will have a significant impact on many jobs and business models in the coming years. That's why companies need to build their own brand of AI experience, otherwise they will fall behind user expectations and the competition.

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