June 10th, 2024

AI in Marketing

Nina HallerManagement

In the deep dive on “AI in marketing” at the Marken Award 2024, Nina Haller talks about the future of marketing.

When the who's who of the brand world gathers in Düsseldorf for the Marken Award 2024, not only will well-deserved prizes be awarded, but the major topics of the industry will also be discussed.

In the joint session with Maike Abel (Nestlé), Fabian Buder (Nürnberg Institut für Marktentscheidungen e.V.) and Claudia Lührs (tonies), Nina Ireen Haller (Experience One) gave her assessment of the future of marketing.

Particularly important: for the successful implementation of AI, all important dimensions in a company must be considered equally, similar to the digital transformation. From strategy to product portfolio, operations, technology and culture. A structured strategic approach that considers all relevant steps from the outset, from the groundwork to the technical implementation of AI projects, helps here.

Artificial intelligence will help to identify and optimize the relevant interactions between companies and consumers, thereby taking the customer experience to a new level.
Nina Haller, CMO at Experience One and board member of GWA

The winners of the Brand Award 2024 were:

  • HateAid: The human rights organization, which campaigns against bullying and hate speech online, won in the Brand Management category.
  • R+V Versicherungen in the Social Commitment category and
  • Michael Fritz, founder of Viva con Agua: Brand Personality 2024
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