Podcast | May 17th, 2024

What I learned about humanity from my AI twin—New Work Chat

Julia KellerMarketing & Communications

The development of AI and its possible applications has progressed rapidly since ChatGPT was released in November 2022. What is the status quo, where will the journey lead, how will we interact, work and experience in the future?

Thanks to AI, the real and virtual worlds are increasingly merging, with new software and innovative hardware to offer an unprecedented wealth of possibilities. Exciting for some, the rapid development scares others.

How do you take everyone along when there is a wide gap between curiosity and skepticism? How can companies develop AI for themselves and their employees in order to remain innovation leaders and therefore successful and competitive in the long term?

The solution is trial and error. In order to understand the scope of AI, lighthouse projects are needed such as exploration with a digital twin that imitates the CEO and can take over smaller tasks in daily work. But why start with the CEO? As a managing director, company founder or owner, you are responsible for ensuring that the company remains competitive for the next few decades. Today, this also includes defining what an individual AI strategy can look like. Only those who participate and go into testing have a full end-to-end understanding of the technology and the ability to assess what it means for each individual role in the company.

Such experiments can then translate into scalable, concrete applications, such as an intelligent, AI-supported super salesperson that takes the customer experience to a new level. A clear knowledge strategy is essential for successful implementation. This applies to the cloned CEO as well as to any other agent or use case, for any role in the company.

Companies must now unlock the new level of experience. Generative AI will offer a fireworks display of possibilities in customer interaction.
Kai Müller, founder and CEO, Experience One

Kai Müller discusses with Gabriel Rath in the current edition of the “New Work Chat” podcast what AI is still lacking today, what ethical questions are behind the use of digital twins and whether AI can also help to solve humanity’s major challenges.

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