April 9th, 2024

The digital energy consultant of the future

Julia KellerMarketing & Communications

Generative AI is not stopping at the energy industry and has come to revolutionize customer interaction. Equipped with skills, specialist knowledge and a customer-oriented personality, AI can act as a co-pilot for specific requests and offer personalized experiences.

A recent digitalization study by PwC shows that an outstanding customer experience is becoming increasingly crucial for the success of brands and companies. The digital energy consultant of the future, powered by Generative AI, can create such a customer experience: It serves as a “translator” for complex topics, provides individual advice and thus supports customer loyalty throughout the entire customer journey.

What could a next-generation energy consultant look like? Based on a central language model and equipped with information from various data sources such as website information and anonymized data from customer service, it offers balanced advice and personalized solutions to customer inquiries. It acts as a virtual assistant that is available at all times to guide customers through the product selection process, create transparency and enable informed decisions. Even after the contract has been signed, it can provide long-term support, for example by showing savings opportunities and providing individual consumption overviews, thereby strengthening customer trust and loyalty.

Anyone who doesn't take generative AI into their hands now will already fall behind user expectations—and the competition—in the next two years.
Luise Hübbe, Chief Strategy Officer, Experience One

Companies that want to become innovation leaders and remain competitive must now:

1. develop a clear stance on the topic of AI

2. develop relevant use cases

3. create AI foundations for customer acquisition and retention

In specialist articles for the magazines ew (energiewirtschaft), VDI energie + umwelt and E&M (Energie & Management | energy & management), Luise Hübbe, Chief Strategy Officer at Experience One, reports on AI-supported energy consulting and what companies need to do now to secure their competitive advantage.

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