February 15th, 2021

No success without user centricity

Aline StangMarketing & Communications

When developing digital offerings, the user must be placed at the center. This is the only way to ensure an outstanding user experience and a competitive advantage.

However, Luise Hübbe, Chief Strategy Officer at Experience One, believes that efforts in terms of user experience vary greatly in the insurance industry. While some insurers have made considerable progress, there is still room for improvement, both among established companies and start-ups.

In order to create a user-friendly user experience, the needs of different user types must be mapped in the form of personas. The focus here is on the core persona, which has the greatest influence on website success. This strategy has already achieved measurable success with the customer AOK.

In the future, the most successful companies will be those that firstly understand and learn to analyze what type of interaction is needed and secondly use digital tools optimally to serve customer needs.
Luise Hübbe, Chief Strategy Officer, Experience One

It is important to continuously adapt to the rising expectations of users and not to focus exclusively on industry standards. Instead, companies should keep an eye on the specific needs of their users and reflect these in their interaction in order to be successful in the long term.

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