June 21st, 2024

How data, tech and AI are redefining the boundaries of creativity

Pictures: Christof Mattes
Julia KellerMarketing & Communications

What do campaigns look like that were created in collaboration between humans and machines? How does AI support long-term brand development?

Traditionally, creativity is a human process based on individual talent and intuition. However, the integration of data, technology and artificial intelligence is now radically changing this view. The new world is characterised by human-machine interaction and will create completely new and positive experiences and innovations. Artificial intelligence will not only become a co-pilot, the wing-man or wing-woman in campaigns and marketing, but will completely change the way we as consumers interact with brands, products and services. A positive customer experience and an outstanding customer experience will lead to customers building a deeper connection with the brand and, ideally, recommending it to others. Because the sum of all experiences is the brand. The sum of all experiences along the entire customer journey creates and defines the BRAND.

Relevance creates attention—not the other way around. Data, technology and AI make it possible to individually understand and optimize customer expectations and experiences. The symbiosis of man and machine brings brands to the forefront and shapes the future of creative intelligence
Nina Haller, CMO at Experience One

At the 7th Creative Industries Day on June 21, 2024 in Frankfurt/Main, Nina Haller, CMO of Experience One, presented best practices from major global brands and fresh, unexpected approaches. In her keynote speech, she also showed how data and algorithms are already being used in practice today to achieve collaborative, creative results. And why relevance is more important than ever. Under the motto "connecting worlds. shaping new things.", creative professionals as well as participants from politics, administration, academia and other sectors will come together to shape new things and find a common path for how the major challenges such as AI, digitalisation, skills shortages and climate change can be mastered together.

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