June 13th, 2024

Customer Experience: an Imperative for Modern Brands

Aline StangMarketing & Communications

Customer expectations are rising rapidly, and the number of possible touchpoints has also increased in the recent years. But just one negative experience can ruin everything. The key to success: a seamless customer journey from awareness to after sales.

Artificial boundaries between marketing, sales and service hinder a consistent customer experience. For Nina Haller, CMO of Experience One, seamless collaboration between all departments is essential for success.

Artificial intelligence can help to analyze known touchpoints, evaluate their value and even identify previously undiscovered points of interaction and missing touchpoints.

Thanks to AI technologies and data, companies can now act proactively and offer personalized experiences that previously seemed impossible.
Nina Haller, CMO, Experience One

Nina Haller writes about SMarketing in her column for “absatzwirtschaft”.

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